
欢迎来到AG亚游集团官方网站! This area of our website is designed for donors - those who have supported our work, and those who are considering a gift to advance our mission.

AG亚游集团官方网站 was established in 1985 with a one-time seed grant from the Ford Foundation. To expand on our mission of creating opportunities for all children to succeed, 我们与私营部门携手合作,为改善AG亚游集团官方网站学区筹集资金, 试行新措施, and help communicate how the community can get involved in improving public education for all. Ultimately, student achievement is our goal.

AG亚游集团官方网站作为一个独立的非营利性组织,一直是主动与被动并存的. We continually adjust to the needs and priorities of our district, especially teachers and school leaders, while also considering the needs of the business community with whom we engage. 通过我们所有的工作, 我们仍然专注于影响我们学区所有学生学业成功的最终目标.

自成立以来, AG亚游集团官方网站 has developed more than 15 programs that reach all 476 schools, 20,000名教师和校长, 和350年,000 students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 一些节目已经成功地在美国和国外的其他城市市场进行了改编,并获得了国家奖项.


If you would like to speak with someone directly, 请打电话给米米·平克, 发展副总裁, 或者凯伦·德里昂, 发展总监, at 305-558-4544, ext. 116. 我们欢迎你的外联.

Thank you for your interest in AG亚游集团官方网站!

官方注册和财务信息的副本可以通过拨打免费电话1-800-help-fla或850-488-221从佛罗里达州以外的消费者服务部门获得. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.

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